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front struts


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Can anyone tell me everything I should replace while I am doing a front strut replacemnet on my 97 STS. THANKS! ;)

I am about to do this job and I replaced the following (springs are overkill):



Strut Mounts

Strut Rod Bushings

Stabilizer Bar Bushings

I also replaced

LF ball joint

LF Hub Bearing

Caliper slider bushings


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what struts are oy using, hardest thing is getting the stab. link and nut in/out (on/off) just get an allignment quick after doing it! other than that, not too hard.

One thing do not let the brake (tri-pot) axle assembely "stretch" too much, I usede a floor jack to counter this, and it makes tkaing out the two big bolts easier, as well as outting the m in

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