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WOT and Timeserting


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just discovered this site. bought a '95 seville sls. discovered what a joy caddy's are and how amazing the northstar engine is. reading all these great things about caddys and try as i might, i can't figure out wot and timeserting. somebody please enlighten me. thanks in advance.

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WOT = Wide Open Throttle aka WFO :lol: Use it to ocassionally clean the combustion chambers of carbon build up. The Northstar combustion chanber has a "squish area" where clearances are tight and carbon build up will cause "cold carbon rap" or piston slap on start up. Planting your foot firmly on the floor and holding it there til you get a WOT shift at redline will keep the chambers clean. If you see soot and carbon in the mirror, do it again til you see none.

Timeserts are a thread repair similar to Helicoils. They are specifically required for repairing threads for the Northstar head bolt threads. http://www.timesert.com/

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And by all means, do your WOT's ONLY conditions permit and when its safe... Make sure you change your coolant every 2 years with your 95 and make sure you use the coolant supplement (very important). If the car is new to you I would immediately flush the coolant and use the supplement. Do a search under cooling supplement and you will find a lot of info. Mike

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