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Adding Freon: How to Kick Compressor On?


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Guys, as you know I just changed out my compressor and sent it to a shop to get the system evacuated and recharged with freon (spent $140). Well the system blew out cold air fine for 3 days but then last night, nothing but hot air would come out. Now I know that I have some sort of a leak because one day after turning my car off, with the hood open, I heard a leak that lasted about 15-20 seconds near the firewall. And I also understand that the compressor will kick off and on but will not stay on when it senses that the system is low on freon. With that said I went and got my own dye kit to find out where exactly my leak is located. My problem, however, is that I can't get the compressor to kick on to accept the dye. I know that there is some sort of trick to get the compressor to kick on and stay on to accept the dye and/or freon but I can't remember how to do it. Can anyone please help me to tell me how I can accomplish this feat please?

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Did you use Nylog on all of the O-Rings? I was told by Kevin to use Nylog, here is a link, Mike

This statement floors me! "Typically, one drop of Nylog can be stretched about three feet before breaking". :blink:


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