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has anyone replaced their Ignition key switch


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I need to replace the ignition key cylinder for my 94 STS, has anyone on the board done this, it looks pretty straight forward in the manual, wondering if anyone had any if yoy had any tips.

I was trying to check the old serchable archive, but I keep getting a page not found error.



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What bothers me about this job is if you have to R&R the air bag....take all precautions outlined in the service manual to prevent accidental deployment and personal injury. Mike

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I am recalling there was a retaining ring (with two small holes) which was pain in the @@@ to remove/install. Get a tool which looks like pliers with needle shape ends. You will also need steering wheel puller. The turn signal lever had a set screw and should be turned a little bit before pulling. Disconnect the battery and remove the airbag related fuse first.

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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I am planning on getting the lockplate compression tool, I know the thing that I am leery about is the Airbag, but If I follow the manual It should be fine.



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Because of the air bag, I do it with my motorcycle helmet on! ;) and I'm not kidding(the neighbors have seen worse!)

Good Luck Joe

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I just replaced the ignition switch in a '97 Eldo., the key would come out with the ignition on, and it is pretty straight forward. Disconnect the battery before you start and by the time you get the column cover off-I took the metal plate above it off too, sufficient time will have elapsed that you don't have to worry about the air bag too much.

Remove the air bag, remove the steering wheel, mark or pay careful attention to the clock spring alignment. inner to outer housing, remove the snap ring, snap ring pliers are nice. If you use a common screwdriver, wedge the corner of the blade into the snap ring opening and use a pick on the opposite side to raise the snap ring out of it's groove. Carefully pull the air bag up enough to get it out of the way. remove the wave spring. When you compress the lock plate try not to compress it more than you have to. Remove the "C" ring that holds the lock plate in place using a common screwdriver in the opening and a pick on the opposite side to pry it out of the grove. Remove the horn ring tower, remove the retaining screws for the turn signal plate assy. lift it up ,Rt. side first, and move it out of the way, It may help if when you are moving the clock spring and turn signal plate, you push the wiring up from the lower end of the column. The two small copper arms near the lock cylinder are for the chime. I did not have to remove them, but if you must, in order to get the lock cylinder retaining bolt out you can pull the block that they are molded into, out as a unit.

Note the routing of the lock cylinder wiring. Once I got the old lock cylinder out, I cut the wiring and taped the ends of the new cylinder wires to the old wire and pulled it through the column. The ends of the old wire are held in place with a small tab which can be released with a small pick or an awl,from the female end. the new wire ends will lock in place when you slide them into cell 12 and 13 of that block.

That grey, wire terminal strip can be removed from the main connector . It has a lock tab in the center and by putting a small bow in the center of the terminal plate it will slide out , away from the big connector- makes it easier to deal with. Two other notes:(1) There is a spring and bearing retainer replacement kit that may apply to your vehicle. Has to do with the turn singal not cancelling after a turn. This kit also contains the horn connector tower. (2) If your problem is related to the theft warning portion of the lock cylinder, you can check the risistance of the pellet in your ignition key with an ohm meter, cut the wires going to he ignition switch a few inches back from where they go into the terminal block, pick up a resistor from radio Shack with equal resistance to your key pellet and hard wire it into the two wires that formerly went to the lock clyinder- just until you get a chance to change the cylinder- or whenever.

I've written this from memory and since I do have CRS syndrome,double check it with your shop manual.

Hopes this helps a little.

Good Luck.

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