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93 Seville, 4.9L. Took to a specialized AC shop and because of a R12 leak, I need a new AC compressor, evaporator and some other piece at $1,500 (est). Because of the low mileage (59,000 miles) and the overall great condition of body / engine, I'm going to get this done. Cost is similar to doing a "conversion" so converting doesn't make sense to me.

My question is, should I have the heater core done at the same time? I'm thinking that replacement of the evap core will necessitate the disassembly to the extent that replacing the heater core (as a purely anticipatory event) could be a minimal cost since the labor will be mostly performed to replace the evap core (they seem to be located in close proximity). So the "additional" labor cost to replace the heater core at the same time should be minimal.

Is my thinking correct? What do you recommend? I don't want to spend all this money on replacing the evap core and then within the next 2-5 years paying a ton of money to replace the heater core.

Recommendations? Thanks

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If it was mine...

While it was opened up, I would FOR SURE go ahead and replace the heater core... just as preventive maintainence...

Should the additional labor (for heater core) be very much more if I'm already doing the evap core? I understand that's something I should ask the shop, but they are not open til Monday and I'd like to have an opinion in case they quote me a high labor cost for the heater core labor. Just trying to prep my request on Monday !!!!

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If it was mine...

While it was opened up, I would FOR SURE go ahead and replace the heater core... just as preventive maintainence...

Should the additional labor (for heater core) be very much more if I'm already doing the evap core? I understand that's something I should ask the shop, but they are not open til Monday and I'd like to have an opinion in case they quote me a high labor cost for the heater core labor. Just trying to prep my request on Monday !!!!

Since it is already open.... I would think 50 bucks should MORE than cover it.

As much as they are charging for the other work... they should do it for you just as a courtesy... but probably won't. :)

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