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95 Deville rear brake caliper

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I have a 95 Deville I am trying to replace brake pads. The front wheels seem to use a 10 millimeter allen wrench. The rear wheels have 2 differt bolts. The bolt at bottom of caliper is obvious enough to me, but the top has some kind of plug or something. Do you pull that out to exspose an allen type? I was scared to brake something. Thanks in advance for any help on this matter.

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Im sure someone will respond to this, as I am unfamiliar with that car. I have seen cars where the bottom bolt comes out and the top is a pivot.

I think it may be a top pivot. Looks like only thing keeping it from releasing the pads is emergency brake cable bracket. Should I disconnect that or is there a certain way to go about that? Thanks airmike for reply.

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yes, you need to remove the parking brake spring post before removing the caliper. This just makes things easier. You can squeeze the spring down and slide the head out of its groove. The bottom is held in place as well and can be slipped out of its slot after squeezing the tabs down.

That rubber thing is just a cap covering the pivot bolt. it does not come out. i suggest loosening your bleeder bolt while you have better leverage. Much harder when your caliper is loose. It should also have a rubber cap that you can slide out.

My 1997 Seville STS also had to have the bolt that held the bar that held the parking brake cable loosened as well or it wouldnt slide up.

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