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brake line broke


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My rear brake lines rusted through so I attempted to repair them but after fighting the lines for a couple of hours I had to admit defeat. I would say it would be easier to change the lines if you removed the rear axle. It was the first time I could not change out rusted lines. It was a humbling experience. My suggestion is not to change out the rear lines unless you have access to a hoist. I have a slow leak on my 97 Deville right now but I have not been able to determine where it is yet. I hope it is in a place that has better access.

My best advice to you is find that leak. because especially beinng you dont know where it is coming from it could blow at any time. And let me say from experience it is not fun when it happens, and it is most always when you least expect it. These cars are big cars to lose brakes on.


Nice, clean, luxury= fine automobile

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