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Replacing a popped expansion plug

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I have a 97 which popped an expansion plug in the winter.

I basically need to remove the waterpump housing\manifold to get enough space to knock in a new plug.

I am to the point of getting the lowest bolts removed but have found that the very thick wiring harness prevents access.

I was hoping someone who has removed this part could direct me?

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Yes, its a big job, that is the front engine harness, you need to disconnect it from the oil level switch, oil pressure switch, AC comp, crank sensors, O2 sensors, ABS, etc and fold it back. I also removed the PCM, relay center and PRNDL module as ithat conduit is also connected to those items. Do not disconnect the PCM just lay it on top of the engine. There are GROUND wires also part of that harness, make sure you reconect them and know where they go

Tough job, let us know how it goes, be gentle, and be careful with the connectors. KNOW which wire goes to the UPPER and which wire goes to the LOWER crank sensor, MARK THEM

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