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leak on my 96 caddy


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need some help asap............my 96 deville is leaking oil from the oil pan casket

and I want to repalce it........I want to know is it going to be difficult to do. I talked to a mechanic and said it would cause me 435.00 to have it done.........cause he had to take out the converter to get to the oil pan. 7.8 hours of work according to shop manual to get done..........any suggestions would help...........

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The only way to really fix a pan or manifold or half case leak is to pull the engine and trans axle not the converter. $435.00 and that guy has never done an oil leak on a northstar. That 7.8 hrs is most likely to just fix the pan gasket and oil manifold gasket not to remove and reinstall the drive train. Most of the estimates you will see are in the 18 hr range and $2000 +. Better check the archives on oil pan leaks and read up on it before you spend the money.


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I have had a suspected half case leak for over a year now...I was told the leak would only get the oil pan dirty and leave a dot or two of oil on the ground every few days...I also remember someone saying that it would never get worse...I could be wrong about that. But at any rate a year later I still have only 2 drops of oil on the ground every couple days. The trans and the oil pan get dirty...But other than that she runs (ran) great....I’m not sure what the consensus around here is now...But a year ago almost everyone I talked to (on this site) said that it wasn’t a necessary repair.


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Alot of oil can seep out of the oil pan bolt holes. I fixed this by removing the bolts one by one and using degreaser and an air gun to clean up the bolts and holes. I liberally applied high temp rtv to the bolts and reinserted them.

I could reach all of the bolts but one, this really helped stop much of the leaking.

I believe the is a TSB on this, but they use some threadlocker to fix the leak. I did not have this on hand at the time.

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