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Gas Pedal disengages!! Please help


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Hi guys,

I am having a serious problem with the 94. I dont know if anyone has heard of this. It just happened once and now it wont stop. When i hit the gas the car normally goes, goes pretty darn fast, haha, anyway, now the pedal will disengage, (ie fall to the floor and have no response) in order for me to get it to work I have to pull the pedal all the way back up and it clicks back into position and than works fine again. But sure enough, if i press the gas hard or soft or whatever way it just disengages again(it makes another click). It is very dangerous, the car is really not drivable. I assume it is the linkage somewhere but I dont have how to dianose the problem. Please help! thanks so much. Anyone have this problem before?

Christopher Petro

94 sts

67 coupe de Ville

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First thing I would try is watch what is happening at the throttle when a helper mashes the pedal. Do it with the key on but not running and see if that will duplicate the problem.

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I'm updating my own post, in case anyone has this problem. It turns out that where the throttle cable hooked onto the gas pedal came unhooked. There is a little plastic clip that broke. I got it back on there and I am going to secure it with something like a wire tie.


Christopher Petro

94 sts

67 coupe de Ville

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The same thing happened to my Dads 95 Eldo I remember that he had to tie on a plastic tie wrap.

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Defending Northstar perf a qtr mile at a time!!!!

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whats up newbold1,

thanks, the 67 was a complete restoration, once i get more money i have more plans for it...once i get more money...haha...

caddy sts.... yeah, thats what i'm planning on doing, it seems pretty secure for now, i'm gonna drive it home where my dad has all the tools and have him look at it, probably use a wire tie to secure it.

I guess it broke from all the times i stomp on the darn gas! haha :lol:


Christopher Petro

94 sts

67 coupe de Ville

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