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factory alarm on deville 97

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hello,my 97 Cadillac deville doesn't have alarm,i can just close the door and opened with the RKE,the lights come on twice when opened and once when closed,my question is HOW CAN I MAKE THE ORIGINAL FACTORY ALARM WORK WITh THE RKE WITHOUT BUYING AN AFTERMARKET ALARM?because right now for example,if somebody brake the trunk lid,i wont be alerted,and if it possible i don't want to have two beepers just the factory one,all ideas will be appreciated.thanks,BTW the factory book said some cars come with this factory alarm some dont,i want to leave my wiring system as factory as possible.

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Ok this is a hard one. The RPO code is U06 factory theft deterrent.

I also wanted to do this on my 96 deville, because my best friend had a 96 Deville with it.

Unfortunately even with the hours of questions and research in the last year I hhave found out nothing at all on this. I would love the factory security feature, and do not do aftermarket so I wish I could have found a solution. Look for my thread if you like and you will see mor detail.

Good luck and god bless if you find a way


Nice, clean, luxury= fine automobile

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thanks for the reply,i went to the dealer but the guy don't know a thing about it,i think that the alarm is integrated on the bcm,may be if i get a bcm from the junk yard,from a car with factory alarm maybe it work,im goin to need the V.I.N. to get the beepers and also im goin to need the key with the proper resistance,i check some diagrams and all the doors locks ,lights and horn pass trow it.im goin to check more about this and see what happens,see ya

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I have been told that you cannot use a used BCM as it is programmed to the vin and if you install it in yours it will not work. I was debating that also. Please do keep in touch though 2 heads is better than 1 :D


Nice, clean, luxury= fine automobile

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yeeeeaaaa baby!!!i think its posible,question,the computer have to be reprogramed with the bcm to enable the starter relay?rigth now we need the key with the proper resistance,the rke reprogramed to the car,the ecm reprogramed to the bcm to enable the starter and if i forgot smething let me now,also somebody now how much is for reprogramed the bcm and make everything work toghether?


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