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help with 2001 SLS

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my 2001 SLS is acting funky, it will occasionally shut off while driving.(like you turned the key off) It happened today and now some of my onboard gages are acting up, for example it will say im getting 0.5 mpg avg and in 2 miles it claimed i used 33.5 gallons of gas and the temp and gas gages are funky. also the secruity light will flash once and a while the only codes that came up where IPC U1192 and MSM U1000.

any ideas?

edit: also at one point it said battery high voltage forgot that part

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my 2001 SLS is acting funky, it will occasionally shut off while driving.(like you turned the key off)

Funky is not an adjective that I would apply to a piece of machinery. Someone else will have to help you with that.

The shutting off part can be caused by crankshaft position sensors that are failing. Or have loose/corroded connectors. Crankshaft position sensor failures do not always flag a DTC.

....now some of my onboard gages are acting up, for example it will say im getting 0.5 mpg avg and in 2 miles it claimed i used 33.5 gallons of gas and the temp and gas gages are funky. also the secruity light will flash once and a while the only codes that came up where IPC U1192 and MSM U1000.

How are you displaying the codes?

My knee jerk sense points me to corrosion at electrical connectors. But that is based on what you have told us. Your 'battery high voltage' DTC supports that possibilty.

Do you live in a high humidity salt-water environment?

Do you have any idea if the vehicle has been or possibly might have been flood damaged?

Post the DTCs you display; all of them.


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