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1995 seville sts

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what does code p056 mean exactly, i been noticing when im doing about 50 and punch it to downshift into second it hesitates or doesnt pull as hard as usually at high rpms. it has power and then it lets go and then it hits again. what do I have to do to fix code p056.

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I have had that for a long time, doesn't seem critical (hope not). I have had to replace shift solenoids however, and there were no code displayed for that, perhaps covered up by the p056. Just a guess.

BTW, if your shift solenoids go, you will find yourself going down the highway in 2nd gear. Its a 'limp home' feature and is way better that a tow truck. The solenoid replacement is messy, tricky, documented in this form and do-able if one has some mechanical chops.

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PO717 is the OBD-2 code for the same sensor. Here's a link to the FAQ section that shows how to perform this repair without removing the transaxle from the vehicle.


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