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Centre cap


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Driving home today, I noticed that I lost one of my centre caps.

Anyone have one kicking around that they are interested in selling?

I checked ebay and there is nothing.

It's for a 1994 STS and it is the aluminum shade not the chrome and has STS on it.

Thanks guys.

1994 STS Pearl White 260,000 KM (163,000 miles)

<img src="http://img45.photobucket.com/albums/v137/caesar/caddycaesar.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

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Have you tried Cardio-Doc (contributing menber on this site) ?

Last I knew he was on Ebay big-time and had a large, quality selection of Caddy wheels as well as center/hub caps.

His reputation precedes him as a knowledgeable, fair person.

He may not have any on EBay right now, but I'll bet he can get you one anyway. (and not from the other side of your own car either) :lol:

Good Luck

Add power to leave problems behind. Most braking is just - poor planning.
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Thanks TDK, I have PM'd him and am awaiting his reply.

It looks god awful ugly having 5 bolts and hub staring at you.


1994 STS Pearl White 260,000 KM (163,000 miles)

<img src="http://img45.photobucket.com/albums/v137/caesar/caddycaesar.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

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CadillacTodd, I just need the center caps. Actually just one cap, but if you want to get rid of all of them, let me know as I don't plan on switching the rims any time soon, although I'd like to but the girlfriend wants a 2 tiered deck in the yard. :blink:

I'll PM ya.


1994 STS Pearl White 260,000 KM (163,000 miles)

<img src="http://img45.photobucket.com/albums/v137/caesar/caddycaesar.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

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Hi Ken:

I've looked high and low since receiving your PM. I've got a chrome 6 5/8" center cap (round) and a big chrome funky-shaped center cap that goes on the 96/97 STS wheels. That is all I have that reads "STS".

Try dropping my buddy "Bob" an e-mail at hubcapking@hubcapkingdom.com and tell him cardio-doc sent you. I'll bet he has one. Double-check your size though. Pull one of your remaining center caps off and measure it. Include the measurement, finish and logo you desire when inquiring about the center cap you seek.

good luck,


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