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President Bush (43) Legacy

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I know, I know; it's at least 10 years too soon to judge the effectiveness/policies of a given adminstration. The main stream media (and public opinon polls) do not take a long term view.

Those who have been reading here for 4 or 5 years understand that I lean to the right of center politically, socially, and economically. I voted for "W" when he defeated the most popular TX Governor in modern history (Richards) and I did my part to put him in the White House for 8 years. My punishment is being a Texas Rangers baseball fan.

The attached file is only the beginning of the analysis. Global warming be damned!


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Thanks Jim. Listening to CNN last night discuss Bush's presidency made me sick to my stomach. Their coverage is so shallow

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I know, I know; it's at least 10 years too soon to judge the effectiveness/policies of a given adminstration. The main stream media (and public opinon polls) do not take a long term view.

Those who have been reading here for 4 or 5 years understand that I lean to the right of center politically, socially, and economically. I voted for "W" when he defeated the most popular TX Governor in modern history (Richards) and I did my part to put him in the White House for 8 years. My punishment is being a Texas Rangers baseball fan.

The attached file is only the beginning of the analysis. Global warming be damned!

I lived in Texas during the Richards governorship. I can tell you that she was not very popular in the area that I lived in or within my circle of friends. (Central Texas, Temple, Belton & Killeen area.)

When discussing her policies, I usually substituted a "B" for the "R" in her last name.

To my way of thinking she was an egotistical, self-centered elitist.

I'll never forget or forgive her for her "I'm hunting Quail" statement, obviously referring to Dan Quail.

If a Republican had made a similar statement, the media would have crucified him.

I'm sorry that she has passed on. But I'm NOT sorry that she is forever removed from politics!


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I'm just a bit right of center myself, but probably a shoulder length short of BbF ( :P ). One day I'll need to introduce Mike to my brother, Attila-the-Hun. No really, I call him that to his face! :lol: He likes it!

History and the Media have finally come around to admitting Reagan was at least a good president. Heck, the Media have even gone so far as to admit he even wrote some of his own speeches. Imagine that! "W," in retrospect, will likely enjoy some of the same.

True, he kept our nation safe, but he spent us into oblivion. No true Conservative will ever forgive him that.

P.E.B.O., on the other hand, through his appointments to Homeland Security, Justice and the CIA, has demonstrated his complete and utter disdain for our safety. Let's hope Biden was wrong when he suggested our new president will be quickly tested.

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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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I also voted "W" in 2000 and 2004, don't agree with everything he's done but, more often than not, did. I didn't vote for Mcain, I voted for the Hot Chick. I really wanted to see Keith Olbermans head explode on TV, maybe next time. Obama looks to be holding on to some of Bush's policies already, next couple of months should be interesting. My biggest fear is Pelosi.....

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I have a friend with a boat so that when the nuke goes off in NY City, Ill be able to get off the island, no room for anyone to the LEFT of me... :lol:

Lets keep this in perspective. The DEMS didnt let up bashing the entire Bush administration the entire time, they declared the war lost and said we would NEVER win, the media twisted everything and outright lied, the war coverage was slanted, Scooter Libby was innocent, Katrina was not Bush's fault, the City of NO are the first responders, New Orleans is 15 feet below sea level and people are bitching to rebuild, how stupid, and to get anything past congress Bush made compromises. We also warned Iraq for 18 months we were coming and there were 17 resolutions, if I said, I am coming into YOUR house in 18 months to find a GUN, do you think I would find it? We couldn't find the UNIBOMBER IN THIS COUNTRY for 20 years UNTIL his own brother turned him in, let alone trying to find Obama/Osama in the mountains. Also keep in mind that the CLOWN that was in office before Bush was getting BJ's and he was impeached, he and his wife disgraced the office. Bush WAS allowed to FIRE all attorneys if he wanted and the press made it like he did something wrong when he fired a few, all of the key offices were filled with democrats and they were leaking info. Keep in mind that when Obama met for his security briefing, his WHOLE attitude changed after he found out what is really going on. Russia in bed with Iran?, anyone think that is good? Oil prices went through the ROOF... FNMA/FHLMC has basically brought down the country's financial system.

Does anyone know that NASA has allowed the story that FOAM damaged the leading edge of the Challenger wing, that blew up on reentry killing the crew, when it was a postively charged lightening bolt that followed the vapor trail right to the Challenger. A positively charged lightening bolt is much more powerful than a negatively charged bolt and its duration is much longer and burns HOLES in aircraft. The reason I say this is because, stories are allowed to stay out there, to cover a MUCH bigger problem. If the public realized that positively charged lightening bolts could blow right through commercial aircraft, how do you think the airline business would be? Could this be the reason TWA Flight 800 blew up?, or was it the center fuel tank?

Bush spent wildly, but I think there are things going on that have much more dire consequences to the US, that he focused on while the DEMS acted like infants

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How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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1] Jettisoned the Kyoto Global Warming Treaty.

Probably a good move in my view, but it will be decades before we know for sure.

2] Enhanced interrogation of terrorists.

Waterboard the S.O.B.'s

3] Rebuilding presidential authority.

Nixon got a little carried away with that. Not ready for a repeat just yet. Pelosi currently works in the opposite direction.

4] Support for Isreal.

Why is this even open for discussion? Isrealis may have reason to fear Obama.

5] No Child Left Behind.

Oh, lottsa controversy here!

6]Promoting democracy around the world.

A good idea that earned us much animosity among our supposed allies.

7] Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit.

Simply beyond our reach to pay for.

8] Roberts and Alito appointments.

Grand slam HRs.

9] Strengthened relations with east Asian democracies; especially India.


10] The Surge.

It was late, but it was done.

EDIT: Loosely related to Item #2 is THIS: http://www.nypost.com/seven/01132009/posto...fice_149872.htm

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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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