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Ohh Baby I Burnt a Saturn Good

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So I'm out with my buddy just goin' for a slow ride in my 91 Fleetwood. This young guy like 16 in a black two door 2000ish Saturn with a BIG chrome muffler and a girlfriend in the passenger seat.

He started to rev up his mean machine at a red light, I look over at my buddy Scotty saying "I don't think he really wants to do this does he?" Scotty nodded. Light turned green and I burnt him. Next light, I can see he was disappointed, he starts o rev it up again, I threw the number "2" with my fingers and nodded. Again burnt him, I could really start to see the doors on his car starting shake loose at this point. Got to another red light, he did't even look this time, he was waiting for the green. I said, "I really need to teach this guy a lesson in Caddyland," Scotty laughed. Light turned green, I blew him away again, I flashed him a "3" with my hand out the window and he turned off to explain to his girlfriend that his shifts are not that good.

John Deere says: "Nothing runs like a deer"

Cadillac should say: "Nothing burns like a Caddy" :lol:

Just wanted to share... :D


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