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01 sts P0335


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my 01 sts just dies while driving,it starts right back up, but i got this code po335..i also have a u 1016 histry..any ideas?

P0335 - CKP Sensor A Circuit Performance

Replace your crank sensors, this is a common problem in 01, I think they got a bad batch from the supplier.

Pre-1995 - DTC codes OBD1  >>

1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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are they hard to get to?

As long as you remove the oils filter adapter, and have socket extensions then you will be fine. Once the adapter is out of the way its pretty easy after that. you will need to get two O' rings to go back onto the adapter. you can get them from a local dealer from like 3$ a piece i believe.

here is a link to my post after i finished the job.. a couple of pics there might help.


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