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Coolant Temp Connector


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Hey everyone, I have a 94 Seville that is giving me a current OPEN COOLANT TEMP SENSOR trouble code. I got down there and moved the egr tube aside and found that the sensor was not even plugged in. And furthermore I cannot find the wire and connector anywhere! I have no idea how this even happened and I am guessing that it may have come loose and may be hanging somewhere out of sight and out of reach.

My question is what wiring harness should it be coming from, and where is it located.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.


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Here is a scan of the rear bank wiring harness,


Pre-1995 - DTC codes OBD1  >>

1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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