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high beams


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on the left (drivers) side, the low beams work fine but when i put on the high beams the left (drivers) side has no lights at all. So I buy a high beam bulb, doesn't fix the problem. I take the lights (both high and low beam) out of the left side and swap with the right side. The problem stays on the left (drivers) side of the car, not a light bulb issue.? Any ideas ? Ground ? Thanks

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Actually, I think EACH LIGHT is fused separately.

I would also check for good grounds.

thanks for the info, are these inline fuses or fuses in one of the fuse boxes

I am not POSITIVE yours has four seperate fuses... but some year models do.

They are in the fuse box LH Low... RH Low...LH High... LH Low...

Again... be sure to check for good grounds and be sure to ACTUALLY PULL the fuses and check for corrosion in the fuse box.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for the help, checked all the fuses, they were good, contacts look good, the wires run to a big white cylinder (inch diameter about 3 inches long) and is loctaed about 8 inches away on the front frame. Could the problem be in there ? when you say check the ground any special place to look ?

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Not sure if this is relivant, But I had a 91 Buick Parkavenue Ultra and it had a Head light module that is known to blow and therefore killing all or some of the headlights. I lost my low beams when going from Hi to low one nite and it never returned. I am not sure if the caddy's have this too, I hope not cause It was impossible to track down a light module. Just an FYi...

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