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one prob leads to another trunk SO depressed


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Hello Guys

Im sorta depressed right now. Only had this 97 deville for 3 weeks

The remote wasnt working or button inside for trunk. So I ordered the trunk solenoid.Had this happen on a prev Buick

So knew it had to be replaced It arrived yesterday via FEdEX It didnt look hard to do So got out my camera and some tools. Took off the 3 bolts okay. But trying to take off the big white plug was A BEAR. Couldnt fig out Even took pics of the new one. Called Hubby and asked him Told him would email him pics

well a tree guy was fertilizing a newly trimmed tree across street. I asked him to fetilize mine as well I asked him before he left if he could look real fast and see if he could fig out ho to remove the white plug patrt. He said he had an older Caddy too

He couldnt so closed it carefully ( I thought) drove up to AutoZone. To ask if it took a speciality tool

Backing out of Garage I noiticed my DISPLAY not working. A block later it came on.

Got to nearby Auto ZONe trunk wouldnt open

Hubby said over phone that nite to try the little nearby auto body shop( that last week painted my hood white) to match rest of car

Drove up there today. They not open so drove to Locksmith Guy said couldnt help since key was turning

Prob have to go in thru back seat removal He made it sound simple

Well struggled and got bottom part off. Most of my tools were in TRUNK and my CAMERA

So I bought a 18MM deep well socket at Lowes. Got those two bolt washer off

NOW GUYS how to I get the back off ?? I have did a lot of searching internet some say have to remove back set from trunk Im not terribly strong but Im mad as HECK and Im a strong headed woman

Thanks all


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There should be 2 bolts holding the seat back in place at the bottom, but I don't think removing it will give access to the trunk.

larry thats why I bought the 18MM DEEP well I got those off Like I said in post

Now what yall???

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Okay Guys just got back from locksmith and small independent body shop they both tried over an hour Body shop guy said Id have to leave it Dont know what would get damaged or how much

BOO HOO got on AARC site thru local free public library. They mentioned it had two bolts and had to acess thru rear compartment

DUH Inoticed when put key in watched auto guy do it. The lifts wanna open it some and it keeps trying...... The two locksmith guys took off the two waher nits underneath

I belive they hold down the

"pull down motor"

IF I disonnected the battery cable while its (trunk lid) trying to raise would it no go back down??????

Im trying to help myself here guys PLEASE Thanks

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The white plug for the solenoid is removed by squeezing it to my recollection. Look at the new solenoid and that will provide a clue. I replaced the solenoid on my '96 SLS a few months ago and remember squeezing the white plug with my fingers to release it from the solenoid. Can't you open the trunk with the key???

The other symptom you describe may be a bad upper switch on the latch assembly which makes the pulldown motor operate continuously.

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KHE and others first of all sorry for the post w mispellings etc but UPset

If i could open the trunk again with key I would DANCE Plus that big white plug plastic is too hard to squeeze. I remember it has a square in middle with a spring loaded center I took pictures of all BUT everthing is in trunk TOOLS, old solenoid new solenoid plus CAMERA

Spent another hour with our friend ( a former mechanic) trying to get trunk open

My big bright idea was to force several pieces of 1 by ,covered in old socks, wedged inder trunk as mptor tried to pull up . It helped some so could peek in a little with flashlight. Looks like the danglingsolenoid cable ( I couldnt get off) is not caught in mechanism He dis cabl on battry hoping w no power it would open. BUT NO it made no difference It wont release trunk

I have a 10 am appt today with local Cadallic dealer They want $1oo PER HOUR

All this to install my $39 lock solenoid part I was TRYING I should cancel I hate spending money I dont have

I dont know what to do

If I was strong enough I would force it up and buy replacement stuff from Junkyard

Thanks all

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