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Sneaky Creeping Seat


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Well, at 6' 3" and 220lbs I'm not the largest person in the world, but you might understand I require leg room in my car.

See, my Eldorado does something a little strange: every once in a while I find the seat has sneaked about half an inch forward. Okay, a whole inch. When I initially push the seat button back, nothing happens on the first push. The second push of the button does move the seat back.

This happens without regard to how many times I reprogram the memory seats/mirrors. I've looked through the window as I use the remote key FOB and I don't see the seat moving forward. But at seemingly odd intervals it just does. Of course, it will never happen while you're watching. :rolleyes: It's kinda like that Santa Claus and the chimney thing.

Now it's only a minor annoyance, and I know it's far more important that children are starving in China (Mom told me that when she needed me to eat my broccoli), but can anyone suggest a possible cause?



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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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Clean the battery cables, particularly the positive cable where it hooks to the battery. The positive battery cable is actually three battery cables sandwiched under the plastic cover; you might clean between them too.

If you haven't checked for OBD II DTCs you might do that too. Here's how:


-- Click Here for CaddyInfo page on "How To" Read Your OBD Codes
-- Click Here for my personal page to download my OBD code list as an Excel file, plus other Cadillac data
-- See my CaddyInfo car blogs: 2011 CTS-V, 1997 ETC
Yes, I was Jims_97_ETC before I changed cars.

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I'm about 6'8", and had the same problem! I think the 'memory module' has trouble with the far extremes of the seat position, causing it to push forward an inch or so. My solution was to de-activate the memory seat feature in the programming mode. Once it was deactivated, it never happened again!

It's tough being tall, but the Eldo is by far one of the most comfortable cars for us!

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I once had a similar problem but it went away when I replaced my corroded battery cable. I occasionally still got a code for sensor failure on my lumbar support memory but I moved that from the end of the stop and the code stopped appearing. If you never get a code, it may just be a "scratchy" battery cable connection or other electrical connector. OTOH, if you disable the memory seat module and it stops, then there you are, and there you are.

-- Click Here for CaddyInfo page on "How To" Read Your OBD Codes
-- Click Here for my personal page to download my OBD code list as an Excel file, plus other Cadillac data
-- See my CaddyInfo car blogs: 2011 CTS-V, 1997 ETC
Yes, I was Jims_97_ETC before I changed cars.

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