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Now that Obama is President...

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

If you really want to make people safe drivers again then simply remove all the safety features from cars. No more seat belts, ABS brakes, traction control, air bags or stability control. No more anything. You'll see how quickly people will slow down and once again learn to drive like "normal" humans.

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

History has been made tonight! The most radical, left wing, socialist, inexperienced man ever has been elected leader of the free world!

1) socialism

2) higher taxes

3) a more liberal US Supreme Court

4) environmentalists will control energy

5) cap and trade

6) possible reparations

7) we will be viewed weaker in the world and attacked worldwide

8) immigration will spiral out of control

9) redistribution of income

10) continued idiotic give aways to minorities (fnma/fhlmc, tax credits)

11) our health care system will be hurt by universal healthcare

12) reduced support for Israel

13) coal industry will go out of business or stop production

14) dems will silence conservative talk radio

Sarkozy, is a smart guy and saw the inherent good in america, we are the final domino to fall in the fight against socialism, the world will no longer have the US to defend it against the radical terrorists of the world and the world will change for the worse.

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First off, I think Cheese will increase in value. A supply and demand type thing.

Cheese and Wine for some, Cheese and Whine for others.

I've read various World wide news reports, outside of the American media system. Most embrace the change.

As far as my "Future".... I don't shift responsibility (Blame) for my "Lot" in life, to either Dem or Repub. My life will STILL be what I'VE made it. Change what I can, accept what I can't change. If I can't change my mind, I can't change anything.


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First off, I think Cheese will increase in value. A supply and demand type thing.

Cheese and Wine for some, Cheese and Whine for others.

I've read various World wide news reports, outside of the American media system. Most embrace the change.

As far as my "Future".... I don't shift responsibility (Blame) for my "Lot" in life, to either Dem or Repub. My life will STILL be what I'VE made it. Change what I can, accept what I can't change. If I can't change my mind, I can't change anything.

As far as most foreigners embracing the change, I understand that the Taliban and Hammas heartily approve of the Obama presidency.

And for your "future", when the new National Security Force (Obama's version of Himmler's Brown Shirts) comes knocking at your door at 3:00 in the morning, your "lot in life" may very well change, and without any further input from you!

Does anyone think that the situation could not degrade to that point? The ghosts of Germany's pogrom of the 1930's would beg to differ!

This time the object of official derision is "The Rich". The biggest problem with that is that the"Rich" are defined with a sliding scale. First it was anyone that made over $250,000.00 a year, then it was $200,000.00 per year, then it was $150,000.00 per year. Eventually, It will come down to anyone who works for himself, no matter what his income is.

Am I wrong? I certainly hope so!

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Rek, my impression is that, you like to post yourself up against me when it comes to politics, I am hoping that your statement about whining was not directed at me. Let me tell you how adament I am about my opinion stated above, I disowned my OWN sister the other day, and will see her at FUNERALS from now on.

The US is a shadow of its former self and we are creating a country of needy people, that think that success and opportunity will be handled to them by the government. I see this as one of our darkest days as a nation and can not think of a darker day than this. But the PEOPLE spoke, they want socialism.

This CHANGE that they are going to say is mandated, is going to be shoved down the US's throat, EMANUAL, an EXTREME PARTISAN was chosen by Obama today as his chief of staff, the country won't look the same after 4 years. I guess if they have the majority in the house and senate, bipartisan is not required, change is a coming..

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

History has been made tonight! The most radical, left wing, socialist, inexperienced man ever has been elected leader of the free world!

1) socialism

2) higher taxes

3) a more liberal US Supreme Court

4) environmentalists will control energy

5) cap and trade

6) possible reparations

7) we will be viewed weaker in the world and attacked worldwide

8) immigration will spiral out of control

9) redistribution of income

10) continued idiotic give aways to minorities (fnma/fhlmc, tax credits)

11) our health care system will be hurt by universal healthcare

12) reduced support for Israel

13) coal industry will go out of business or stop production

14) dems will silence conservative talk radio

Sarkozy, is a smart guy and saw the inherent good in america, we are the final domino to fall in the fight against socialism, the world will no longer have the US to defend it against the radical terrorists of the world and the world will change for the worse.

15) Nation wide gun ban

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

History has been made tonight! The most radical, left wing, socialist, inexperienced man ever has been elected leader of the free world!

1) socialism

2) higher taxes

3) a more liberal US Supreme Court

4) environmentalists will control energy

5) cap and trade

6) possible reparations

7) we will be viewed weaker in the world and attacked worldwide

8) immigration will spiral out of control

9) redistribution of income

10) continued idiotic give aways to minorities (fnma/fhlmc, tax credits)

11) our health care system will be hurt by universal healthcare

12) reduced support for Israel

13) coal industry will go out of business or stop production

14) dems will silence conservative talk radio with the "fairness" doctrine

Sarkozy, is a smart guy and saw the inherent good in america, we are the final domino to fall in the fight against socialism, the world will no longer have the US to defend it against the radical terrorists of the world and the world will change for the worse.

15) Nation wide gun ban

16) Civilian Security Force as strong as our military

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For an interesting perspective from an Iranian expat (Amir Taheri) living in Europe , you might want to read his Op-Ed piece that appeared in the NY post the Saturday before Election Day:




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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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BBF, Pardon me for not acknowledging your authority. Rock on.......

Its not about authority, its about facts supporting an opinion, if you have facts, please submit them, but to just spew statements about WHINING, you will get my attention.

There are overwhelming reasons why Obama is risky for this country, to ignore or overlook that is ignorant. Change for the sake of change is ridculous. Now I am not saying that we don't have troubles in this country, but I don't believe that the chosen one is the answer.

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you have no idea what socalism really is... the republicans love to say it, but don't understand it. Move to venezuela if you really want to know what socalism is.

That....is where we are headed, did you see the front page of the Wall Street Journal today?, Democrats Eye Tighter Regulations in Finance!

AND... Leading House Democrat Maxine Waters Calls For Nationalizing the Oil Industry

Rep. Maxine Waters did not specify if this would be before or after the government takes over health care

The help they are giving the car industry is earmarked for FUEL EFFICIENT vehicles

The ironic thing is that they caused this financial mess, and now that are more tightly regulating it, that is the hypocritical part of this...

Sounds like Venezuela to me


I flew down to Miami with a guy who was from Venezuela, he said in 20 years WE would NOT recognize the US... its a matter of time

Here is what is going on:

It is unclear how much Republicans might be able to push back against Democrats' efforts, though some are already raising issues about the potential pace and scope of changes. "I think [Democrats'] natural inclination will be to go as far and as fast as possible in enacting regulation," said Rep. Patrick McHenry, (R., N.C.), an active member of Rep. Frank's committee.

Sen. Schumer acknowledged that some Democrats were worried about being accused of regulatory overreach. Democrats are "very mindful of the fact that too much regulation will snuff out the hallmark of our economy, which is entrepreneurship," he said. "You are going to find that balance."


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Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

History has been made tonight! The most radical, left wing, socialist, inexperienced man ever has been elected leader of the free world!

1) socialism

2) higher taxes

3) a more liberal US Supreme Court

4) environmentalists will control energy

5) cap and trade

6) possible reparations

7) we will be viewed weaker in the world and attacked worldwide

8) immigration will spiral out of control

9) redistribution of income

10) continued idiotic give aways to minorities (fnma/fhlmc, tax credits)

11) our health care system will be hurt by universal healthcare

12) reduced support for Israel

13) coal industry will go out of business or stop production

14) dems will silence conservative talk radio

Sarkozy, is a smart guy and saw the inherent good in america, we are the final domino to fall in the fight against socialism, the world will no longer have the US to defend it against the radical terrorists of the world and the world will change for the worse.

Mike ,

I am not sure of the rest, but you should not worry at least about #12 in your list. Obama's chief of staff is an Israeli citizen! As for parallels with Nazis in Britt's post, I am afraid wire tapping and neighbor watching/reporting are from Nazis' legacy. Did not want to be involved in political discussion, but just could not stay away I guess. Gents. lets wait and watch okay? I really liked McCain until that Pailin thing was brought... what a shame! Obama's campaign was very well thought out if not brilliant. Hopefully he will not screw things up if someone can screw things even further after W, of course.

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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I will say this, last night in my hotel I was watching the BET channel, a beautiful black woman said, when I was in high school and college, it was not cool to like or hang out with the guy who was smart or on the debate team, NOW?, she said, that guy can be president... I think Obama will be a terrific roll model for black youth, and he will change what they think is cool and hip. For that, I am happy.

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1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

History has been made tonight! The most radical, left wing, socialist, inexperienced man ever has been elected leader of the free world!

1) socialism

2) higher taxes

3) a more liberal US Supreme Court

4) environmentalists will control energy

5) cap and trade

6) possible reparations

7) we will be viewed weaker in the world and attacked worldwide

8) immigration will spiral out of control

9) redistribution of income

10) continued idiotic give aways to minorities (fnma/fhlmc, tax credits)

11) our health care system will be hurt by universal healthcare

12) reduced support for Israel

13) coal industry will go out of business or stop production

14) dems will silence conservative talk radio

Sarkozy, is a smart guy and saw the inherent good in america, we are the final domino to fall in the fight against socialism, the world will no longer have the US to defend it against the radical terrorists of the world and the world will change for the worse.

Mike ,

I am not sure of the rest, but you should not worry at least about #12 in your list. Obama's chief of staff is an Israeli citizen! As for parallels with Nazis in Britt's post, I am afraid wire tapping and neighbor watching/reporting are from Nazis' legacy. Did not want to be involved in political discussion, but just could not stay away I guess. Gents. lets wait and watch okay? I really liked McCain until that Pailin thing was brought... what a shame! Obama's campaign was very well thought out if not brilliant. Hopefully he will not screw things up if someone can screw things even further after W, of course.

Adallak, you really don't believe that the US was wire tapping its citizens do you? When 9/11 hit, we were criticizing the Bush admin for NOT connecting the dots. With ELECTRONIC DATA, it is necessary to scan phone calls, email, the internet, etc . You might recall that the terrorists were hiding MESSAGES in JPG PICTURE FILES, and communicating in chat rooms, etc.

The ONLY way you have something to be worried about is if you are ARE a terrorist or if you are on the phone with a known terrorist. The US could not care less what YOU or I are doing on the phone. This is a MEDIA and DEMOCRATIC created belief.

I am not sure what you mean about neighbor watching

OH I see Mass decriminalized carrying and using POT up to ONE OUNCE.in this election. WOW..

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How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

History has been made tonight! The most radical, left wing, socialist, inexperienced man ever has been elected leader of the free world!

1) socialism

2) higher taxes

3) a more liberal US Supreme Court

4) environmentalists will control energy

5) cap and trade

6) possible reparations

7) we will be viewed weaker in the world and attacked worldwide

8) immigration will spiral out of control

9) redistribution of income

10) continued idiotic give aways to minorities (fnma/fhlmc, tax credits)

11) our health care system will be hurt by universal healthcare

12) reduced support for Israel

13) coal industry will go out of business or stop production

14) dems will silence conservative talk radio

Sarkozy, is a smart guy and saw the inherent good in america, we are the final domino to fall in the fight against socialism, the world will no longer have the US to defend it against the radical terrorists of the world and the world will change for the worse.

Mike ,

I am not sure of the rest, but you should not worry at least about #12 in your list. Obama's chief of staff is an Israeli citizen! As for parallels with Nazis in Britt's post, I am afraid wire tapping and neighbor watching/reporting are from Nazis' legacy. Did not want to be involved in political discussion, but just could not stay away I guess. Gents. lets wait and watch okay? I really liked McCain until that Pailin thing was brought... what a shame! Obama's campaign was very well thought out if not brilliant. Hopefully he will not screw things up if someone can screw things even further after W, of course.

Well here is some information on Emanual, from Rush Limbaugh

Emanual, the chief of staff, this is one of the most partisan Democrats around. He is a thug Democrat. He takes no prisoners. He has no desire to get along with anybody on the other side or traitorous leftists. If he thinks liberals are traitoring him out, he'll go after them, too. That's what it is. This, by the way, argues against this whole notion that so many doofuses on our side are now saying that there's going to be a "centrist" Obama. There's no way! The appointment of Emanuel alone dispels the notion that there's anything centrist about this. But, two things. Now, some are going to disagree with me about this because Rahm Emanuel also worked in the Clinton White House, and Clinton tried to sell out Israel a number of times.

You know, Arafat was the number one guest in Clinton's White House (other than the women) and so people think, "Well, Emanuel was there, and it didn't matter. It didn't matter to Emanuel that Clinton was trying to sell out Israel."

We will see what happens....

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1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

Cadillac History & Specifications Year by Year  http://www.motorera.com/cadillac/index.htm

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I will say this, last night in my hotel I was watching the BET channel, a beautiful black woman said, when I was in high school and college, it was not cool to like or hang out with the guy who was smart or on the debate team, NOW?, she said, that guy can be president... I think Obama will be a terrific roll model for black youth, and he will change what they think is cool and hip. For that, I am happy.

It is difficult to disagree with you on that one, Mike. Hopefully, that will also make people more racially tolerant.

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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Now that Obama is the president, what do you think the future holds for this country and our relationship with the world?

History has been made tonight! The most radical, left wing, socialist, inexperienced man ever has been elected leader of the free world!

1) socialism

2) higher taxes

3) a more liberal US Supreme Court

4) environmentalists will control energy

5) cap and trade

6) possible reparations

7) we will be viewed weaker in the world and attacked worldwide

8) immigration will spiral out of control

9) redistribution of income

10) continued idiotic give aways to minorities (fnma/fhlmc, tax credits)

11) our health care system will be hurt by universal healthcare

12) reduced support for Israel

13) coal industry will go out of business or stop production

14) dems will silence conservative talk radio

Sarkozy, is a smart guy and saw the inherent good in america, we are the final domino to fall in the fight against socialism, the world will no longer have the US to defend it against the radical terrorists of the world and the world will change for the worse.

Mike ,

I am not sure of the rest, but you should not worry at least about #12 in your list. Obama's chief of staff is an Israeli citizen! As for parallels with Nazis in Britt's post, I am afraid wire tapping and neighbor watching/reporting are from Nazis' legacy. Did not want to be involved in political discussion, but just could not stay away I guess. Gents. lets wait and watch okay? I really liked McCain until that Pailin thing was brought... what a shame! Obama's campaign was very well thought out if not brilliant. Hopefully he will not screw things up if someone can screw things even further after W, of course.

Well here is some information on Emanual, from Rush Limbaugh

Emanual, the chief of staff, this is one of the most partisan Democrats around. He is a thug Democrat. He takes no prisoners. He has no desire to get along with anybody on the other side or traitorous leftists. If he thinks liberals are traitoring him out, he'll go after them, too. That's what it is. This, by the way, argues against this whole notion that so many doofuses on our side are now saying that there's going to be a "centrist" Obama. There's no way! The appointment of Emanuel alone dispels the notion that there's anything centrist about this. But, two things. Now, some are going to disagree with me about this because Rahm Emanuel also worked in the Clinton White House, and Clinton tried to sell out Israel a number of times.

You know, Arafat was the number one guest in Clinton's White House (other than the women) and so people think, "Well, Emanuel was there, and it didn't matter. It didn't matter to Emanuel that Clinton was trying to sell out Israel."

We will see what happens....


Do not worry! Even if some day an Arab will become US president, Israel still will find people and means to guide him in right direction! lol No nation comes close to Israel when it comes to defending country's interests. I should give them credit for that!

The saddest thing in life is wasted talent

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Let me tell you how adament I am about my opinion stated above, I disowned my OWN sister the other day, and will see her at FUNERALS from now on.

Oh boy. I'll bet that was a lively discussion. Sorry to hear that Mike.

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Let me tell you how adament I am about my opinion stated above, I disowned my OWN sister the other day, and will see her at FUNERALS from now on.

Oh boy. I'll bet that was a lively discussion. Sorry to hear that Mike.

I did not bring up politics, she told me she dressed as Sarah Palin on Halloween and mocked her, not knowing my feelings. She is a typical lib, the smartest person in the room, but when presented with facts she completely ignores them and said, I don't believe you....and said please respect my decision. Please respect your decision, you brought up politics, I didn't, I knew she was a lib and didnt want to go there. She said she likes him because he speaks so well, you know typical non factual, emotional, feely crap... We had little in common before this, we have nothing in common now.

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1996 and newer - DTC codes OBD2 >> https://www.obd-codes.com/trouble_codes/gm/obd_codes.htm

How to check for codes Caddyinfo How To Technical Archive >> http://www.caddyinfo.com/wordpress/cadillac-how-to-faq/

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At work Thursday I happened to mention to a co-worker that Wednesday's news reported the recent northern hemisphere hurricane season had been the least severe in 30 years and that global temperatures were reported to have dropped for the tenth year in a row. He thought it was neat that Obama had solved Global Warming in only one day. :blink:

I'm assuming he was pulling my leg, but it's hard to tell as the right one has been numb since last year's surgery. I'll be keeping an eye on him. :P



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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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I haven't checked in for a while because this is what i expected. If you guys believe all that crap that Rush L and fox news spews then good for you, I don't. I see that Rush has already declared this obama's recession, no spin there. Obama is not perfect, not a socialist, not a terrorist, not a muslin, and not a lot of the other crap that the right wing spins. He's not going to shut down conservative talk radio and I don't have time for the rest of the list. He is smart, he is a leader and with the help of the best people in the country that he will appoint to help him, will make better decisions that we have had in a long time. Not stupidly and blindly ideological as our current administration has done. And yes, the supreme court needs some balance. I did not want to see any more republican appointments for a while. It's bad for the country when the balance is too far on one side, especially in the supreme court.

I knew that the choice of S Palin, from the moment I heard it, was the single most irresponsible decision ever made by a politician in the history of this country. Was she ever in your wildest dreams qualified to be president? If so, you disagree with a whole list of high profile, smart republicans and conservative pundits from Colin Powell on .... The running mate is the most important decision that a presidential candidate makes, and I'm sorry, but that was a horrible decision.

I am a registered republican, and haven't voted otherwise for a long time.

I won't be checking on the replies so have at it.

oh, and Michael Reagan suggests that his father may well have voted for obama http://www.newsmax.com/reagan/mccain_elect.../06/148591.html

and i'll bet old man buckley would have too had he live just a while longer.

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I haven't checked in for a while because this is what i expected. If you guys believe all that crap that Rush L and fox news spews then good for you, I don't. I see that Rush has already declared this obama's recession, no spin there. Obama is not perfect, not a socialist, not a terrorist, not a muslin, and not a lot of the other crap that the right wing spins. He's not going to shut down conservative talk radio and I don't have time for the rest of the list. He is smart, he is a leader and with the help of the best people in the country that he will appoint to help him, will make better decisions that we have had in a long time. Not stupidly and blindly ideological as our current administration has done. And yes, the supreme court needs some balance. I did not want to see any more republican appointments for a while. It's bad for the country when the balance is too far on one side, especially in the supreme court.

I knew that the choice of S Palin, from the moment I heard it, was the single most irresponsible decision ever made by a politician in the history of this country. Was she ever in your wildest dreams qualified to be president? If so, you disagree with a whole list of high profile, smart republicans and conservative pundits from Colin Powell on .... The running mate is the most important decision that a presidential candidate makes, and I'm sorry, but that was a horrible decision.

I am a registered republican, and haven't voted otherwise for a long time.

I won't be checking on the replies so have at it.

You should check in where the replies are concerned; you might find some agreement.

You'll find at least one person here who believes none of the candidates on either side were worthy.

Two wars and an economic black hole should challenge any incoming president. Should challenge the citizenry. Should challenge you.

You might give a thought to hoping our new president will do well. You will do well if only he does . . . .

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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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You might give a thought to hoping our new president will do well. You will do well if only he does . . . .

Absolutely i hope he will do well, and I believe he was absolutely the best candidate. I'm not sure how my comments would suggest otherwise, but meant no offense and apologize for any taken. It just seemed that most of what I did read was quite uncompromisingly the opposite to the position I was expressing.

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You might give a thought to hoping our new president will do well. You will do well if only he does . . . .

Absolutely i hope he will do well, and I believe he was absolutely the best candidate. I'm not sure how my comments would suggest otherwise, but meant no offense and apologize for any taken. It just seemed that most of what I did read was quite uncompromisingly the opposite to the position I was expressing.

No apologies are required :)

I wasn't pleased with the candidate your side offered, but it's done. Frankly, I wasn't pleased by what my side offered either.

It's time to move forward and once again show the world how its done. I never tire of doing that! :D



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There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion. The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of a voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved. - Ludwig von Mises

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